AVANTGARDE subbass, linseed oiled


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Product number: 6605-072
Product information "AVANTGARDE subbass, linseed oiled"

Avantgarde, the clever subbass recorder. With linseed oil surface. Ecologically consistent product design.

Since 2007, the Kunath Instrumentenbau workshop has been producing parts for woodwind instruments using a special 3D printing process.

The main aim was to use a material that sounds like wood and is made from renewable raw materials. As there was no material on the market that met these requirements, the team at Kunath Instrumentenbau, with the support of the Ministry of Science and Research, developed its own material: RESONA.

Famous artists such as Dorothee Oberlinger and composers such as Josh Plotner use instruments made of instruments from RESONA in live concerts and studio recordings. studio recordings.

Since 2022, Kunath Instrumentenbau has been producing more electricity in its own solar systems than the company needs annually. The machines that prepare the material for printing and the 3D printers run 24 hours a day. At night, these are supplied by a 100 kWh battery with temporarily stored solar power.

What do the musicians get out of it? A clear conscience. :-)

For these and many other reasons, the Avantgarde is considered the new standard for sub-bass recorders.

Overblowing key

Over 40 years ago, Herbert Paetzold invented the automatic overblowing key. With Avantgarde, we are making this practical mechanism available for the first time on a "non-cornered" bass recorder.

The special advantages of the overblowing key: Firstly, it produces a more relaxed posture for the left hand, as the thumb can move closer to the position of the other fingers. Secondly, the overblowing key makes it easier to play high notes and octave leaps. A small movement of the tip of the thumb is enough to reliably activate the overblowing hole.

Video on the overblowing key


The inner bore of the recorder is cylindroconical. This type of bore gives the instrument its powerful sound.
In principle, recorders with a wider bore sound warmer, fuller, more fundamental and therefore more suitable for ensembles than instruments with a narrower inner bore.


Since RESONA is extremely dimensionally stable, the cap of the AVANTGARDE does not jam due to moisture.
In order to ensure undisturbed airflow between the blowpipe, cap and windway in the head, AVANTGARDE has a new type of connection between the cap and head. The cap is perfectly fitted or removed with just half a turn.

What styles of music can the flute be used for?

RESONA is predestined for all styles.

Avantgarde is 40% lighter than normal sub-bass recorders because it is made of RESONA in a 3D printing process optimized for musical instruments. 3D printing process optimized for musical instruments.

The sound of these printed instruments is praised by The sound of these printed instruments is compared to that of Kirschbaum by professional players.

Who is this recorder aimed at? Avantgarde is aimed at amateurs, semi-professionals and professional players.

The windway of the recorder

The windway is the area in the head of the recorder where the musician's blowing air is formed into a thin sheet of air. This air blade is the defining element of a recorder's sound. At the labium, the air blade creates the vibration that generates the flute sound. The shape of the windway is therefore very influential

The 6605-072 model from Kunath Instrumentenbau has a windway that is curved and conical in shape.
Conical windways accelerate the air blade more than cylindrically shaped ones.
Windways are naturally very complex in their design and many parameters are influenced by each other.


The AVANTGARDE 6605-072 flute is supplied in the following version: Baroque fingering.


It is not always possible to drill tone holes in places in the instrument body that are easy to reach with the hands. For tuning reasons, tone holes on low instruments in particular are located in positions that are not ergonomically accessible. On such instruments, key mechanisms are fitted that make playing considerably easier or even possible in the first place.

The key mechanism is made of brass.

Six rollers make gripping double keys particularly comfortable.


Included in the scope of delivery.

The highlight: thanks to the forward-curved bell of the inner bore, the instrument does not have to be moved to a different playing position. It can be played standing up on the stand.
This is clever and safe.

Packaging and accessories

The instrument is supplied as standard with a bag and matching accessories: Case with wheels, instructions, cork grease, fingering chart

Podcast about the instrument

There is a recorderfloetenpodcast about the instrument at recorderfloetenpodcast. eu has its own Episode Avantgarde

Anblasart: Anblasrohr
Bauweise: 4-teilig (Kappe-, Kopf-, Mittel-, Fußstück)
Blowing-type: Anblasrohr
Construction: 4-teilig (Kappe-, Kopf-, Mittel-, Fußstück)
Griffweise: Barock Doppelloch
Group: Blockflöten
Gruppe: Blockflöten
HerkunftslandMaterial: Deutschland
Klangeigenschaften: RESONA: Volles und klar zeichnendes Klangbild
Klappen: Mittelstückklappen + Fußklappe
Material: RESONA
Materialstruktur: RESONA: Geschlossene Oberfläche. Dichte vergleichbar mit Palisander. Aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen.
Mensur: schwach zylindrokonisch
Modellreihe: Avantgarde
MusikalischerEinsatz: Ensemble, im chorischen Spiel und solistisch
Oberflächenbehandlung: Geölt/Gewachst, naturfarben, mit Leinöl behandelt
Stimmlage: Kontrabass / Subbass, Kontrabass/Subbass
Stimmton: 442 Hz
Tuning: 442 Hz
Verpackung: Koffer mit Lederüberzug
Windkanal: Gebogen, konisch
Zapfenverbindung: Kork
Zielgruppe: ambitionierte Laien und fortgeschrittene SpielerInnen
Zubehör: Korkfett, Pflegeanleitung, Grifftabelle


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